Episode 9

Published on:

23rd Nov 2023

Dealing with an 'Off' or Bad Day

Having a bad or ‘off’ day at work is common. Sarah and Tazmin discuss how they deal with bad days at work, and if they can be prevented.

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Sarah McDowell 0:06

Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to the SEO mindset podcast where your hosts are myself, Sarah McDowell, and the episode delightful Tazmin Suleman. This week we are talking about how to deal with an off or bad day at work. And I think when I say it works, so this is applicable, if you are freelance, have your own business are employed, because whatever work is to you, we all have those off days, or we all have those bad days. So that is what we're going to be talking about. Before I get Tazmin. To join us just a couple of reminders of how you can support the SEO mindset podcast. So if you enjoy what me and Tasman are doing, there's different ways that you can support us, you can donate so we have set us set ourselves up on buy me a coffee, so you can give us a one off donation. And a link to do that will be in our show notes. And another way that you can support us is to subscribe subscribed to the SEO mindset. So head on over to our show notes again, just just get there, right. And you will see a link to subscribe to our podcast. And it's super easy because when you click that link, it will take you to a page where our podcast is whoever you prefer Spotify, Apple podcasts, whatever that is it will take you to a directory page. Basically, you pick where you want to subscribe to us, say at Spotify, it will take you to our podcast on Spotify, which is pretty nifty. And then all you have to do is subscribe. Why should you subscribe? Well, whenever there's a new episode, and sometimes we do do bonus episodes, so obviously we do episodes every Thursday when we are in season, but if we do a bonus episode, you basically just get notified every time there's a new episode for yourself to listen. So make sure that you do subscribe to us. Tazmin Hello, how are we doing?

Tazmin 2:13

Pretty well, thank you. How are you?

Sarah McDowell 2:17

I'm cold if I'm honest, it's got chilly in the UK, hasn't it? So we're recording in November. And it's it's gone chilly. I don't know how you're coping in the cold Tazmin.

Tazmin 2:30

Well, I'm going through menopause, so I'm coping just fine. So yeah.

Sarah McDowell 2:38

Can I come and stand close to you, then you're like my radiator.

Tazmin 2:42

I will be there for you. So I don't even have the heating on.

Sarah McDowell 2:50

How does your partner feel about that one? Is he is he a hot person as well? Or?

Tazmin 2:57

Well, um, so we started off in the same room at bedtime, and then the mattress gets too hot. So I go and sleep in the spare room. Open the window. Sometimes even that's too hot. So go downstairs, which is cooler and sleep on the sofa which is nice and cold. So as long as I don't bother him, he's fine.

Sarah McDowell 3:19

But more more so you sounds like a bit of a mission dealing with being being so hot because it's awful. Isn't it when you feel uncomfortably hot. So, yeah. I sympathise, I empathise?

Tazmin 3:34

I mean, the, the great thing is, there's so much more information about it. So many different ways of dealing with it. I mean, this isn't what the podcast today is about. But I think things are in a very different place now than they were 10 even even five years ago.

Sarah McDowell 3:52

Do you know what that's maybe we should do that in the new year. You know, menopause. It happens. It's like, yeah, a lot of our audience will be dealing with menopause as well. So I think that would be a cracking topic, right to talk about it, because it's normalising that conversation as well as an absolutely. Right. Yes. I mean, I want to talk about menopause now. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. But now what we are talking today about is dealing with an off or bad day at work. Now, Tasmin. This is very normal, isn't it? Like? Unfortunately, we can't avoid this. We all have bad days, we all have off days. So this is I suppose the first thing is just normalising it. Yeah, it happens, would you agree?

Tazmin 4:47

Would agree. What do call an off or bad day? What would that mean for you?

Sarah McDowell 4:56

Well I suppose it can mean quite a few different things. Like say, I'm working on a project or something that work, and it didn't work or something went wrong, or there is an issue at work that that my end up in having a bad day, maybe it's a disagreement. So whether that's a personal disagreement with someone personally in my life, or I'm just thinking of our audience, right? agency side, or you work in house, or you're a freelancer, maybe you've had a disagreement with a work colleague, your boss, your client, do you know what I mean? Maybe they're, maybe they're kicking off on an SEO project sort of thing. Maybe it's me myself. So maybe I'm having an off day, maybe I'm not feeling quite right. Maybe I'm feeling a bit stressed. Maybe that stress is coming from things outside of work, because things happen outside of our control outside of the workplace. Yeah. But maybe those stressors are coming because something has happened at work, maybe there's been a change in who owns the business, who runs the business bosses, maybe there's been a change in structure. So I suppose lots. How about yourself?

Tazmin 6:19

So think when you said, I'm having a bad day at work, I was remembering days where I used to work for somebody now I work for myself. And I would categorise my bad day, quote, unquote, is when I've not got something done that I wanted to get done. So more productivity related. And the good and the bad thing is that I think I can just do it tomorrow, because life is fluid, don't have young children in the house. Don't have any huge deadlines apart from the ones I set for myself. That sometimes means then I will be working Saturday morning, Sunday evening. And people may listen and say, well, that's not great work life balance. That's not you know, there's no boundaries. But it works for me, because my life has slipped fluid. I will have Wednesday afternoons off because I go and do certain classes. But um, so in that sense, that would be my bad day, but it's nowhere near the way it used to be when I was in an office. And, you know, you'd have managed your kicking off for some corporates, memos going out. So I consider myself quite lucky.

Sarah McDowell 7:35

But I suppose like because obviously lots of our listeners will have a different situation going on. And it's not about comparing is it like are your bad day is worse than my bad day or your off day is worse than my off day, it's, it's all dependent on yourself out there, I suppose the thing is, because of the different situations that we find ourselves in, and maybe it's like side hustles, or different projects that you have going on outside of your nine to five as well, like, it is so normal to have an off day and a bad day. And it's so normal that you have to on those days where you're you're having this off day or you're having this bad day, whatever work is to you do I mean whatever you need to get done in that day, you still have to find ways around it. And I suppose like So part two, so regular listeners will know that we separate our episodes into two parts. So second part I'll be or me and Tasman serie will be sharing strategies of what to do if you're having a bad off day, and ways that you can prevent it. But I suppose before we get to that, it's just sort of saying that it doesn't necessarily have to mean something if you're having a bad day. So for example, like it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to find a different job, for example, or say goodbye to a client or saying goodbye to a projects and stuff. It doesn't necessarily mean that, like bad days off days happen, I suppose what I'd ask is how regular is it? And what are the triggers? Do you know what I mean? And how big that bad day was like all that off day? So if you've got a client, is it big enough to be like, Do you know what we need to part ways? If you are employed? Is it okay, I'm ready to find a new job. So, but it doesn't necessarily have to mean that you know what I mean? Because there is a balance here. Yeah. Would you agree?

Tazmin 9:48

I would agree. And I think sometimes we can go down that downward spiral saying okay, it's a bad day, something's happened and you're triggered. And then that inner chatter is starts and you go further and further down that rabbit hole of this isn't right, I don't feel good, and we're enjoying this, then if you're overwhelmed, you can, you know, start feeling anxious about it. But it's taking that step back and saying, Okay, this is a feeling. And this is one day.

Sarah McDowell:

Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's the same with relationships and stuff. So relationships that you have at work, or the relationships that you have with your clients, or your relationships that you have with, I don't know, like, your personal life, friends, family, loved ones, I always felt a bit weird when I say loved ones, but like, partners, right? It's not always going to be rainbows and butterflies, like, you're gonna have disagreements, there's going to be stuff that happens, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to put it in the bin and move on. But it's just about being aware. And yeah, like, I'm not like, if if something's really, if something's happening regularly, and it's really affecting you, then maybe you can sort of be like, Okay, is it time for me to? Do I need to find another solution? Like I said earlier? Do I need to end it with this client? Do I need to find a new job? Do I need to have a discussion with my boss, for example? But yeah, I suppose it's just about that balance of like, understanding, isn't it?


I suppose, depending on, for example, if it was a client, if your agency has certain rules about this is what the acceptable behaviour is, and this is unacceptable, then those are really good ways of deciding or determining, is this a bad meeting? Or actually, is not okay, this just against our principles against our values? So those, those things are quite good at helping you determine when you're in that quite emotional state?

Sarah McDowell:

Oh, 100%, 100%? I suppose it's not non negotiables? Isn't it of okay. And we need non negotiables in a work setting in a professional setting, but we also need them in personal relationships as well. So it's sort of having those conversations or being aware of, okay, this sort of behaviour is completely not okay. And if someone behaves in this way, this is how we deal with it X, Y, and Z sort of thing.


Yeah, I think, thinking back to when, when I used to work in corporations, when you're having a bad day or a bad meeting, it's also if you're not careful, then that emotion that you're feeling can spill out into the other members of, you know, whether that's that meeting, and then then it becomes bigger than just be just you. So being able to keep a check on it, evaluate it. And if if you feel that it's the right thing to do, then voice voice in saying this, this wasn't, according to me, it wasn't okay.

Sarah McDowell:

Yeah, definitely, definitely. Right, I feel like we've naturally come to a nice sort of pause. I think we take a short break. And when we come back for part two, we will be sharing strategies or ways that you can deal with having a bad day, an off day. And we'll also be talking about what you can put in place to avoid these bad days, like obviously, it's inevitable. You can't stop every bad day, every off day, because there's some things out of your control, but there are some things that you can put in place to help you avoid that. So let's take a short break Tasman and get into that for part two. We are back for part two. Did you have a nice little I want to say siesta. I don't know why.


I mean, I know I can nap quickly, but not that quickly. Yes, I got myself a cup of tea. All good.

Sarah McDowell:

Imagine if you could nap on demand. Just be like okay, I'm tired. Sleep would be good if anyone has that capability. But anyway, going off on a tangent so thank you for joining us for part two, two, part one we were discussing how normal having a bad day or off day is what what it can mean. What what yeah, it might not mean anything. It might just be one of those things. You might just be having a bad day but It let's get into what to do. So the next time you find yourself feeling agitated, frustrated, you're having a bad day having an off day. What sort of things can you do so Tasman, I've got a list. So I'm gonna go through the list, please interject or add anything while I'm going through or at the end. If there's anything that you think I've missed, please do add in. So more than that, I can't get my words out there. So the things that I do First up is take a break. Yeah, take a breather. So when you feel yourself feeling agitated you, you realise, okay, I'm having a bad day, I'm having a tough day, take a breather, take a break. Take yourself from the situation. So whatever's triggered you to have, have a bad reaction, take a break from it. And that break could be you can go make yourself a cuppa, you can go in, take a break, take a break from your screen, whatever the situation is, just remove yourself. Okay? Remove yourself. And breathe. Take a break. regulate your breathing. There's loads of breathing exercises that you can do to sort of like calm your emotions and your feelings down. Yes. What else you can do is journal. So evaluate, to grab, whether you'd like to do it digitally on a notebook, just jot down your feelings or jot down what happened. Use it as a time to evaluate what just happened? Yeah, like what's going on? What made me feel that certain way? Why? Why did this happen? And with you journaling and writing this down, you can use it as a learning experience. So you should always from all these experiences good and bad. There's always an opportunity to learn from it. Okay, learn from what happened. Is there anything that you could have done differently? Is there anything that you could have done at the time beforehand, like how did it escalate, have it when you're journaling it when you're evaluating, take it as a learning experience, take it as a time to be more self aware about what's going on for you. Try and do something that you know will make you happy as soon as you can. Like, if you can't do it there, and then because of the situation or whatever you're working on, that's fine. But as soon as you can do something that you know will make you happy for me, that's just going out with Ben taking him for a dog walk, just letting him do his thing. Do you know what I mean? Or go and make yourself a cuppa? Or I don't know, do some jumping jacks. Whatever you know you can do to make you've southville Happy to like get yourself out of that rut is important. Okay, take care of yourself. However that is for you. Take time and do it. And if you are the techniques, talk to a friend. So someone that you can confide in someone that you trust, talk to them, like it's not good bottling things up keeping stuff in. Yeah, how sometimes if we've done that, and then we end up erupting anyway, maybe that's what's happened. Maybe the reason you're having a bad day or an off day is because an argument has happened or something's happened at work or something has happened with friends or family where you've just erupted because everything that has happened, you've bottled up. So talk to a friend, get it off your chest. Make sure that when you talk to them Be like, I just want to rant, I don't want a solution. So then your friend knows how they can support you. Because there's been so many times where I've gone to talk to someone and most people want to fix it for you. They want to find a solution. Yeah. So like tell them I just need to vent, I just need to run I'm not asking you for a solution. Just hear me out. Talk to your boss, okay? So if it's something that's happened at work, find a time to talk to your boss. Don't do it immediately after, like, take some time to do all these steps evaluate journal and be prepared for that meeting. Okay? So sort of like talk to your line manager, whoever's above you talk to your boss, talk to someone that you can to get support, basically, and sort of explain what happened. Try and take the emotion away from it as well because yeah, you don't want to go into this meeting. Hit up or anxious or like yeah, have your emotions in check before you talk to your boss. And then yeah, hash it out with them, talk to them and see what they recommend or or come up with a solution together. And then my last tip is, you probably need to pick me up. So I said earlier about doing something that makes you happy, you need to do something that brings yourself back up again makes you feel good about yourself. So recent, or not a recent previous that's the word I'm looking for a previous episode that we did, and I'll link to it in the show notes is a winter. So we talked about celebrating your wins and the idea of having a wind jar where you can visualise all your wins. Go and check out that podcast episode. So you can find out more But yay folder as well. It's a good idea. So a just screenshot every time someone said something nice about you. So yeah, get get recognition, go to whatever place that is for like, Okay, I need to pick me up, I need to feel good about myself again. Tazmin thoughts?


So take a break. I love that one. And I love that you said remove. So move, whatever it is you are going through when you move physically, it could be just getting up from the chair going for quick walked in some spreadsheets, that's really good. journaling. So people have been asking me a lot of people may ask me questions about journaling, I'm going to do an episode in the next season about it. How do you journal when do you journal should you have prompts, in this case, doing just free writing, just get all of those thoughts out of your head onto a piece of paper, you will automatically feel lighter. And when it's in black and white, or whatever colour you choose to write up with, you will be able to make sense of it better than if it's wearing around your head. And also learn from it, as you mentioned, do something you know makes you happy. Make sure I mean like okay, confession time, I am weaning myself off comfort eating. So when I'm stuck, I think oh, I know I'll go and make a cup of tea and have a biscuit because I know how to have a biscuit I'm really good at having biscuits. So make sure that you're not using a coping mechanism that is causing another problem. But do something that makes you happy. Talk to a friend love that. Talk to your boss. Bizarrely something happened to my friend. Today. I spoke to her this morning. She said to me, um, you know, it's gonna be a tough day because I messed up yesterday. And she spoke to her manager and said, this has happened. I know I have messed up. I just want to sit and fix it before you and I have a conversation. Because believe me anything that you say I'm already saying to myself, but if you and I have a conversation right now, where you told me how badly I messed up, I'm going to be upset down in the dumps and unable to deal with the mess that I am now need to fix. So let me spend today doing that. And you and I can talk tomorrow. And you can then say whatever you want. Now she has a good relationship with her manager. I thought that was very mature of her. So yeah. Talk to your boss and know what you want to say to your boss as well. And the wind jar you folder. I've got quite now she's she's managing a team. And they have a team. Yeah, a folder where everyone's got a tab.

Sarah McDowell:

Then they share it together.


And they share it together. So every week, the team meeting, everyone has to put something in that in their tab. And it doesn't have to be a wind per se, they could have tried something it might not have gone well. But they still put it in because they had a go.

Sarah McDowell:

Just a question did come to mind. Thank you for that input, because it's very interesting. And I'm guessing that conversation with the boss of that person that you've just shared. It went well. So yeah. So that yeah, and she set boundaries as well, didn't she? She was like, I know. Did you say she or am I gendering here?


You heard right.

Sarah McDowell:

Oh, good, good. You know when you just ended up gendering when you've not liked her agenda, and you just go off on a tangent. But yeah, I'm glad that she took control of that situation because then that shows your boss as well that you're taking accountability and like this is how you want to deal with it as well. What I was gonna ask you is like, technically you don't have a boss, right? Technically, your clients or your bosses, I mean, are they but who would you talk to? Like, is there other people that you can if you've got your own business, let's say and there's no one technically with you or you freelance is They're like the people that you could talk to that isn't a friend like, is there someone else?


So what for things like accountability?

Sarah McDowell:

Well, not for accountability. So like, in my suggestions, I was like, talk to your boss. But what if you don't have a boss like Is there someone else in like, for example, TASH, my partner, she runs her own business. But she kind of she has, she's brought someone on board, who works in the business, but she also acts like a bit of guidance, she's there for support, she's there as a soundboard. And she's also acts as like, if something's gone wrong, TASH can go and talk to her. So I didn't know like whether you have that in place. Like if you don't have a boss, who you can go and talk to?


I don't have someone like that. And the minute it's on purpose, I outsource certain things like certain admin tasks, they're outsourced, but there isn't. I have a few people who are my friends, and they also coaches so something has gone right. With some automation, for example, there's one coach that I work in, I don't work with her. But she and I know each other really well. She's a nutritionist coach. And we have very similar platforms. So we use the same platform for our websites and platform for our email marketing. So if I'm stuck, or if she's stuck, we can ask each other and we've sort of done that on purpose. So that helps. I have a few business coaches that I then will ask, you know, I've got bit of problem with this, how do I deal with that. And then the coaching academy that I got my coaching certificate from, we regularly meet up and have practice coaching sessions just to keep skills sharpened. But if I've got questions around, coaching, I can ask them, so there's enough pull, but not one, one person.

Sarah McDowell:

So maybe a good thing to do is if you're freelance or have your own business, is get yourself a coach or get yourself a mentor, because that's another person that you could confide in as well, isn't it? So yeah, okay, interesting. Um, anything else that you want to add before I move on to prevention, how you can prevent bad days,


Think, my standard line, be kind to yourself? You've had a bad day. You've had a bad situation. It's okay. It happens. Don't beat yourself up. It's one thing one day be kind. And when you kind of yourself, and that negative chatter becomes more soothing, and nurturing, you're going to be able to handle the situation so much better. Rather than thinking I made a mess of this but reverted. Don't do that. Yeah. So do that.

Sarah McDowell:

Love that. And if a lovely tip there from Tazmin always full of those golden nuggets aren't you! Always.


I think I've actually become really kind to myself, and I think that's why I don't feel like I have that many bad days anymore. That's what makes it a bad isn't it? It's it's the way you speak to yourself and the way you berate yourself or the way it feeds into this negative self image of yourself.

Sarah McDowell:

Definitely, definitely. Wonderful, right. So where are we now? So avoid? Okay, how can we avoid those bad days and off days? And caveat here, you're not always going to be able to avoid these things happen in life. Do I mean, life happens curveballs happens, things get thrown at you all the time. However, there are certain things that you can do to help prevent there are. So a few things that I've got jotted down again, Tasmin, interject, add, like as you like. Establish a healthy routine, okay? So establish a healthy, daily work routine, establish a healthy day, not working routine. However, you can establish that like for example, exercise. Exercise is great for those endorphins and get keeping yourself happy. But you're also self care, brakes as well. Don't be one of these people who don't give themselves like lunch breaks don't give themselves breaks after projects and stuff. Although this is going to feed into, like have being kinder to yourself and having better days at work. So yeah, having a healthy routine and trying to stick to it and establishing a healthy routine is going to help you make sure that you give you some have enough time, right? So what I mean here is depending on what you're working on, if it's a if it's a project, and it's a new project, and you and you're not familiar with what you're working on. So if you're working in SEO, there's loads of new projects all the time. Or maybe there's, Google has done a new algorithm update, your site has plummeted. So you need to figure it out. Give yourself enough time to figure this stuff out. Give yourself enough time to do a project. If it's a meeting, yeah, that you're going into arrive early, and if so that's in person. But if it's virtually take time to prepare beforehand. Yeah. So give yourself enough time and prepare yourself for these certain things. And I think that's going to help is managing your workload and knowing how to prioritise. You don't have to say yes to everything, something that I've got better at is delegating, or saying no, to you know what I mean? Like, whoever's giving you tasks, or whatever that is, or say it's a boss that feeds pass down to you. Or maybe it's a client or like, think people are asking stuff of you all the time. Remember, you can say no, remember that you have to prioritise Yeah. Obviously, you've got to learn how to say no, you can't just say no to a client, I suppose you can't just say no to your boss, but explain and be like, we can't do this right now, because we're working on this instead. And don't be afraid to ask for help. Yeah, if you're struggling with something, if it's a new project, if you're not sure. You're not failing anyone by asking for help asking for support, asking questions. Yeah. Don't take things on yourself, especially if you don't feel comfortable with what you're working on. Always ask for help. It's not it's not a bad thing. Ask Him for help. Do it. And my last thing is try and not procrastinate. So I think we've all been in this situation where we've put off a project put off a thing to do, because we don't really want to do it. Or it just feels too big. If it does feel too big, you can chunk it down. Like I can't remember what the book was. And I really should. But there was an idea of if there's a massive task or a massive project, what is the first little thing that you can do to start getting that project rolling? And then because the idea is then once you've done the first thing you get into the momentum of doing more, but yeah, like try not procrastinate like, we've all put things off and you still end up having to do it, but the longer they leave it, the less time that you just have to do with things especially if it has a deadline. So what's the saying eat the frog first. Weird saying but I think it works here. Tazmin thoughts anything you want to add?


I think we should do an episode on procrastination and what it really is next next season. Let's do that one. Yes. Yeah. So you're going through your list healthy routine exercise breaks. And I find that if I do that in the morning like this morning, I went for a long walk around the lake near my house not my lake because I keep on calling it and if I own a lake and it's just an even though it was raining was called drizzly and I got wet. It didn't matter. I felt so nice being out there but because I got where I came back had a shower, is my new shampoos. I've just got got ready had healthy breakfast by this time I sat down at the table. at my desk to work I felt like I'd already won. And I hadn't even started working so what's the saying when the morning when the day? So yeah, morning routines, I think have sheduled a post on morning routines for tomorrow on LinkedIn. Give yourself enough time. Absolutely. Otherwise, you're just creating stress on your bike, trying to squeeze too much in your manage your workload and prioritise. I saw something I think it might have been Kirstie holes, saying not to put too much on your to do list in fact, put just put one thing and then when you've done that one thing you feel good. And then you might do another another another there are bonuses, but I'm guilty of trying to squeeze in too much work and then when I don't get it done, feel rubbish. Ask for help. Absolutely. And, yeah, procrastination. I think we need to give it a lot more time.

Sarah McDowell:

Yeah, yeah. And we've all done it, haven't we? And you always end up kicking yourself because you're like, by procrastinating and waiting, you're not going to avoid not doing it. You're just giving yourself less time. So, but I think it's a great shout, doing a whole episode about procrastination.


I have one more. I have one more idea. Yeah, please do going on with your journaling journal in the morning, even if it's one line to say today's gonna be an amazing day.

Sarah McDowell:

Nice. Yeah.


I mean it just again, you're setting yourself up for the day?

Sarah McDowell:


I have the wonderful Mordy Oberstein joining me from Wix to tell me all about their new fabulous product, Wix studio. So Mordy kick us off. For those who don't know, what is Wix studio.

Mordy Oberstein:

So Wix. It is a brand new platform. It's a website builder, and CMS and a lot of other things, but it's built specifically with agencies in mind.

Sarah McDowell:

So you say that Wix studio is specifically built for agencies. So how, how is it?

Mordy Oberstein:

I'll say this, like three things. One is it's more efficient, it's more customizable, and it's more communicative? I'll explain. We already have a lot of the customization functionality. For example, you can you can edit the CSS on Wix studio websites, there's also a whole lot of things that make it to work well at scale. And it's so it's far more efficient, far more, there's a lot more automation in there that can help you do things more at scale. And at the same time, it lets you collaborate more with your own teammates with the client themselves. So it opens up that communication in between your own team and with your client at the same time.

Sarah McDowell:

So for those SEO professionals who work agency side, what sort of key features of week studio would really help them.

Mordy Oberstein:

So I guess because we're talking to SEO is I won't get into the design aspects, so much like custom breakpoints. And you know, pixel perfect positioning is probably not an SEO thing, though. It's there in Wix studio. From the SEO side, the Wix video sites are responsive. There's AI responsiveness, I mean, a good run through the SEO features, there's an absolute tonne in there. For example, you can expect your site's index ability in a click. So we have a hook up to the Google's search console URL inspection API's, you can one click inspect the entire website. There's automated structured data, we automate a lot of redirects for you. We can do bulk redirect, you can import redirect, you can set the meta tags, robots meta tags at the folder level, there's all sorts of there's a tonne in there you can do there's a connection to SEMrush SEO ranking app as an Uber all Amazon Lewmar app. There's a lot in there from the marketing side because I think marketing is also applicable to SEOs outside of there being as an absolute tonne of apps, you know, Printful Constant Contact Klaviyo. We have native inbuilt integrations with Amazon Google Merchant Centre, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and meaning we built them with Google, we built them with Amazon. So to borrow a, a word from my esteemed colleague, Crystal Carter, they're not janky, they won't break because we build the anvil. If Google makes an update, we align with Google and we'll update it automatically. At the same time, there's a lot of other things that are really cool in Wix to do I think I mentioned before you can customise the CSS, I think it's really important sometimes for SEOs, there's a lot you can do for E commerce, there's, there's an absolute time, I don't have enough time to get to it. But you have a low, I told him about the client handoff, Kay, you can hand off your your site to a client, and you can list everything you want them to know in one place. So the clients don't have to go searching around. You can upload videos, you can upload reports, you can upload link, whatever you want to show the client to explain, hey, here's what I recommend for your SEO, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, everything is there. The client has a question. You can, you know, record a short loom, for example, then upload it right to the client handoff kit and go to the client say, Hey, I uploaded it right there for you. You don't have to guess where it is. It's all there with everything else I already sent you.

Sarah McDowell:

Wow, jam packed, jam packed. And my last question for you is can you share some use cases of how SEOs can or are using Wix studio.

Mordy Oberstein:

So one case I've seen and I didn't mention this before, probably should have. One of the things that you can do with Wix studio is you can repeat things, you create it. So you can have a custom template or if you create a widget, or a section of a website or a page type, you can reuse it across multiple assets. So imagine there's so one case is that there's a I've seen that there was a client that we have, who has multiple websites, but they're very, very similar. They do basically the same thing, but they're just different websites that target different audiences and different segments of that vertical. So let's say and it's very much like local landing pages. You don't if you have a template or setup or a structure that works You don't have to rebuild it every time, you can just take that from one website and apply it to the next website.

Sarah McDowell:

Nice. Nice. I mean, sounds incredible and Modi, you've done an incredible job of, because there's a lot there to talk about in a short space of time. So thank you very much for joining me. And thank you for educating our audience about Wix studio. If you want to check wig studio out for yourself, if you're like, Wow, this sounds incredible. I need to go and check it out. Head on over to wix.com forward slash studio. Do not fret because there there will also be a link in the show notes. So just head on there. And yeah, go and check quick studio out before we go. Mordy Is there anything else that you want to say?

Mordy Oberstein:

No just go play around with it. Spin it up. Have a look. Wonderful. Thank you. There's lots of AI in there. Ai creation. Yeah, integration with with open AI to create text. But make sure the text is good before you just implement it.

Sarah McDowell:

Just go and check it out. Yeah. Wonderful. Thank you.

Mordy Oberstein:

You got it.

Sarah McDowell:

Right, we are running out of time. Tazmin main takeaway, what has been your main takeaway from this episode?


I think I think I frame me on what my idea of a bad day would be definitely the healthy routine in the morning. And the prioritisation, that's really helpful. And then while it's happening, I think maybe, you know, just nip it in the bud for me. Because like I said, there's no but no one who's going to say anything to me. Yeah, I think I'm going to journal more about when I procrastinate, and why I procrastinate that that's true. Yeah, that's, that's bothering me, not bothering me. But that's impacted me a lot. And I think it's because I'm trying to do something new things. And that can be scary, which then kicks in procrastination, and then means my time management is bad. So yeah, I'm gonna journal more about it. That's gonna be my takeaway.

Sarah McDowell:

Thank you for sharing. And I mean, I think the main thing here is, we can't avoid bad days, we can't afford off days, you can't stop these things from happening. Because you can't control people. You can't control your own emotions and things happen, and especially at work and working in SEO, things go wrong things break. You know what I mean? clients aren't happy. Maybe that yeah, like, there's lots at play that is going to feed into having a bad day, but it's just remembering that it's common, it's normal. It's okay. Having these strategies in place is going to help you manage it better. And yes, having there are things that you can avoid having bad days is regularly I suppose in and stuff like that. But I think something that you said earlier, resonated with me was just about being kinder to yourself, not not beating yourself up. It's hard. It's easier said than done. Because we always do it, don't we? And things go wrong. But we're all human. At the end of the day. We're not robots, we can't be perfect. And we can't be Mary Poppins. Only Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every single way. And I bet you she has bad days as well.


She has mentioned a lot on her podcast, you know, I'm sure we've mentioned that before.

Sarah McDowell:

Mary Poppins? I mean, I was obsessed with Mary Poppins as a kid. So maybe it's just deep rooted into my brain. But yeah, well, thank you Tasman. I mean, is there anything else? You've already given us loads of golden nuggets. But before we officially wrap up? Oh, no, just Yeah, remind people. If you live with me and podcast, me and podcast, you are not podcast. You are Tasmin. If you, you know, if you if you enjoy what me and Jasmine are doing with this podcast, remember, those are two? Well, there's lots of ways that you can support us. But the ways that I'm asking you today is subscribe to our podcast. So wherever you get your podcasts, there'll be a link in our show notes to subscribe and then you'll get notified on new episodes. And if you feel an accident, generous, give us a cheeky donation on buy me a coffee because that'd be very appreciative. So just go to your show notes. There'll be stuff in there. I've also linked to other episode episodes that we've referenced throughout this episode. So yes, I've done all that admin Tasmin. What final, what final Golden Nugget you want to leave people on? There we go.


Whenever you're having a bad day, think about all of the good days that you've had. It's just a blip. It's just a blip.

Sarah McDowell:

It is just a blip. Wonderful right? Should we say goodbye and until next time.


Goodbye and thank you everyone for listening and we look forward to the next episode.

Sarah McDowell:

Well yes because you will be in the driver's seat for that one.


Good one don't miss it!

Sarah McDowell:

Golden golden nuggets left right and centre I imagine.

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About the Podcast

The SEO Mindset Podcast
Personal growth tips to help you to optimise your SEO career and not just the algorithms!
The SEO Mindset is a weekly podcast that gives you actionable, personal growth and development tips, guidance and advice, to help you to optimise your SEO career and not just the algorithms.

The podcast is dedicated to talking about important topics that aren't often spoken about in the industry such as imposter syndrome, burnout, anxiety, self awareness etc. Sarah and Tazmin, along with their special guests highlight important topics, share own experiences as well as giving actionable solutions. Basically we have open, honest and frank conversations to help others in the industry.

Each week we cover topics specific to careers in the SEO industry but also broader topics. We will help you to not only build your inner confidence but to also thrive in your career.

Your hosts are Mindset Coach Tazmin Suleman and SEO Manager Sarah McDowell, who between them have over 20 years experience working in the industry.
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About your hosts

Sarah McDowell

Profile picture for Sarah McDowell
I've been in Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for around 10 years, currently working as the SEO Manager at Captivate (part of Global), the world's only growth-orientated podcast host. I am a self-confessed SEO nerd (I find the industry fascinated and love learning how search engines like Google work) and a bit of a podcast addict (with this being the fourth podcast I have hosted). I am also a speaker and trainer. I hope you enjoy this podcast!

Tazmin Suleman

Profile picture for Tazmin Suleman
I am a Life Coach, helping people grow and thrive, however my background has included careers in Development, Data Integrity and SEO. Through coaching, mentoring and teaching I help people build happier more fulfilling professional and personal lives by changing their mindset and habits. I teach courses on these topics and have incorporated a lot of the teachings in this podcast. I hope you find it useful.